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На каждом колесе свой такой датчик. Если есть стук с конкретной стороны от торможения то можно начать с неё, осмотреть и почистить жидкостью для чистки карбюратора или тормозов. Обратно в Электрика.

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Ответить цитируемым сообщениям Очистить. Войти Необходим аккаунт? Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас! Я забыл свой пароль. Through a survey the authors probe into how Serbian immigrants living in European countries, and also in Canada and USA, communicate with their families in their homeland and how often their families and friends communicate with them from Serbia.

Immigrants try to adopt a new culture while they at the same time trying to keep their mother tongue and cultural identity. The objective of this study is to explore the correlation between cultural integration process and the level of Internet and telephony literacy by the immigrants.

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A positive relationship and method of communication prior 5 to 10 years ago and a form of communicating on the importance of immigrants today, give us a clear picture on what technology nowadays really means to all of us.

Key words: Immigrant, Internet, correlation, Internet literacy, telephony technologies. Characteristics of Strategic chance Management During Crisis. Book of Abstracts, pp.


Law, economy and management in modern abience. Lemina Reviewers, pp. Scientific Committee, pp. This research aims to provide guidance to companies seeking to initiate a process of internationalization, discusses possible strategies and methodologies that can be followed to succeed in this process.

It is based on a case study focused on Inditex group, although it is a descriptive research, tries to give a clear focus to consider, on proven theories supported in addition to the strategic and operational structure of our case study. Our main results conclude in determining a variant strategy for each company, but can come from the same schema international diversification, which is crucial part of business development and its main strength should be good management skills.

Characteristics of Strategic chance Management During Crisis, pp. Людмила Соколенко.

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Aleksandra Erakovic. Tourism clusters are natural regions and are important in terms of identifying potential for tourism development, connecting stakeholders in tourism and the promotion of Serbia as a tourist destination in the international market.

Hotel sector constitutes the material basis of tourism development, and hotel innovation largely determines the quality of the tourist product clusters and Serbia as a whole. The paper aims to empiricaly examines hotel innovation depending on which tourism cluster the hotel is part of.

The sample consisted of employees in 57 first, second and third-category hotels in four tourism clusters.

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The results of the research suggest that there are statistically significant differences in terms of hotel innovation, wherein hotels within the Southeast Serbia tourism cluster proved to be the most innovative.